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European Council Meetings

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 18 December 2012

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Questions (220)

Simon Harris


220. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for Education and Skills the formations of the EU Councils of Ministers on which he sits; the number of meetings of that Council held from 9 March 2011 to date in 2012; the number of those meetings he attended; the number attended by a Minister of State; the number attended by an Irish official; and if he will provide the names of those who attended in tabular form. [56545/12]

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The Minister for Education & Skills sits on the EYCS (Education, Youth, Culture & Sport) Council of the European Union. From March 9th, 2011 to date, there have been 5 meetings of the Council. The dates of each meeting, along with the details of Ministerial and official attendance at same, are as follows:

Date: 20 May 2011 Ministerial attendance: Minister for Education & Skills, Ruairi Quinn, TD Official attendance: Ms. Geraldine Byrne-Nason, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ireland to the EU Mr. Ronnie Ryan, Minister's Private Secretary Mr. Séamus McLoughlin, Principal Officer Ms. Joanne Tobin, Education & Skills Attaché Mr. Brían O'Meara, Administrative Officer

Date: 28 November 2011 Ministerial attendance: Minister of State for Education, with responsibility for Training and Skills, Ciarán Cannon TD Official attendance: Mr. Tom Hanney, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ireland to the EU Ms. Anne Griffin, Minister's Private Secretary Mr. Séamus McLoughlin, Principal Officer Ms. Julie Anderson, Education and Skills Attaché Mr. Paul Gordon, Intern

Date: 10 February 2012 Ministerial attendance: Minister for Education & Skills, Ruairi Quinn, TD Official attendance: Mr. Tom Hanney, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ireland to the EU Mr. Séamus McLoughlin, Principal Officer Mr. Keith Moynes, Assistant-Principal Officer Ms Julie Anderson, Education and Skills Attaché Mr. Brían O'Meara, Administrative Officer

Date: 11 May 2012 Ministerial attendance: Minister for Education & Skills, Ruairi Quinn, TD Official attendance: Mr. Tom Hanney, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ireland to the EU Mr. Séamus McLoughlin, Principal Officer Mr. Keith Moynes, Assistant-Principal Officer Ms. Julie Anderson, Education & Skills Attaché Mr. Brían O'Meara, Administrative Officer

Date: 26 November 2012 Ministerial attendance: Minister for Education & Skills, Ruairi Quinn, TD. Official attendance: Mr. Tom Hanney, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ireland to the EU Mr. Ronnie Ryan, Minister's Private Secretary Mr. Séamus McLoughlin, Principal Officer Mr. Keith Moynes, Assistant-Principal Officer Ms. Julie Anderson, Education & Skills Attaché Mr. Brían O'Meara, Assistant-Principal Officer (Acting)

Question No. 221 answered with Question No. 210.
