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Literacy Levels

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 22 January 2013

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Questions (140)

Dessie Ellis


140. Deputy Dessie Ellis asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will provide a progress report on his literacy and numeracy strategy; the numbers of teachers and principals who are currently participating in professional development courses for teachers that are seen as essential for the development of the strategy. [2680/13]

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Over the period since the launch of the Strategy in July 2011, there has been significant progress under many of the 41 actions and almost 180 sub-actions.

I have increased the time spent on literacy and numeracy at primary level and the revision of the English and Irish curricula is being prioritised in Junior Cycle Reform. Major changes are being made to initial teacher training and literacy and numeracy units are now in place in the National Teacher Induction Programme. School self-evaluation is being rolled out and I have introduced new requirements on standardised testing including the return of aggregate data to my Department.

A national programme of professional development for primary and second level teachers is underway. Since September 2012 the Professional Development Service for Teachers has provided a range of professional development on Literacy and Numeracy for over 7,500 teachers and principals at primary and post primary levels.
