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Child and Family Support Agency Establishment

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 22 January 2013

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Questions (567)

Terence Flanagan


567. Deputy Terence Flanagan asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs when she expects to publish the heads of Bill for the new agency for child and family services; if she expects the Oireachtas health committee to deal with the Committee Stage of the Bill (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [2487/13]

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The Task Force on the establishment of the Child and Family Support Agency reported in July 2012. The work of the Task Force informed the development of detailed legislative proposals to Government, covering a range of areas including the function and services to be overseen by the Agency, governance structures and implementation arrangements. Arising out of these proposals, the Government approved the Heads of the Child and Family Support Agency Bill and has also agreed to the priority drafting of this Bill. The Agency will encompass services which are currently the responsibility of three separate agencies; namely the HSE, the Family Support Agency and the National Educational Welfare Board. The necessary legislative and organisational preparations are being prioritised so that the Agency can be established as a priority. Drafting of the Child and Family Support Agency Bill is under way, in line with the policy decisions of Government. This legislation will be published, presented to the Oireachtas and debated at the earliest opportunity. The precise mechanism for this will be determined shortly. A target date for the establishment of the new Agency will be set when consideration of the legislation is advanced.

While the legislative process is under way, all necessary organisational preparations are continuing in parallel. These preparations are being overseen by a high level group chaired by the Secretary General of my Department and involving representatives of the Departments of Health and Public Expenditure and Reform, the HSE and the incoming management team of the new Agency.

When established, the Agency will constitute one of the largest public agencies in the State with staff of over 4,000 employees. It represents one of the largest and most ambitious areas of public sector reform currently underway. The milestones already achieved are considerable: a dedicated management structure for child welfare and protection services has been established under the leadership of Gordon Jeyes with a reduction in management units and reporting levels; a dedicated budget has been established and publicly reported upon, to ensure budgetary transparency and accountability; there has been successful recruitment to five of the six top management posts with candidates now in place; and very significant progress has been made in addressing issues for staff by means of intensive engagement in an agreed industrial relations framework. From the outset I set a demanding timetable for the establishment of the new Agency. It is important that the pace of change is maintained, while appreciating the nature of this large scale change requires much advance preparation and reliance on the best standards of public administration.

I am satisfied that very considerable progress has already been achieved in the reform of Ireland’s child protection and welfare services. I am confident that the establishment of the Agency will bring a dedicated focus to child protection, family support and other key children’s services for the first time in the history of the State and will in time contribute to the transformation of what are essential services for families and communities.
