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Small and Medium Enterprises Supports

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 24 January 2013

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Questions (26)

Dessie Ellis


26. Deputy Dessie Ellis asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the views of representatives of the small to medium sized enterprise sector regarding his plans to develop LEOs merged with local authorities. [3241/13]

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The micro and small business sector is central to Ireland’s overall economic recovery and future growth. The purpose of restructuring the current model for the delivery of State supports to that sector is to rejuvenate and enhance the national model so as to ensure that the micro and small business sector is properly positioned to be a lead player in relation to job creation and to the economic recovery process.

In conjunction with the launch of the Action Plan for Jobs 2012 a series of seminars were held across the Country at which I met with many representatives of the small business community. I also attended the Advisory Group on Small Business (AGSB), and met subsequently with individual representatives of that Group, all of which afforded me an opportunity to set out my vision for the LEOs and to elicit their views on how the new model should be structured.

In addition, I launched a public consultation process last November to seek as broad a range of views as possible on how the reform the national micro and small business support infrastructure could best be implemented. The closing date for receipt of submissions was originally 19th December 2012 but this was extended to 18th January 2013, because of the level of interest. Over 80 submissions were received and these responses will inform and influence the final shape of the LEOs and the services that the LEOs will provide. While acknowledging that there will be differences of opinion in any fundamental restructuring of Government supports, most submissions received made positive suggestions on how the new infrastructure could best be established. Given the huge response to the consultation it will take some time to review and distil the submissions. All submissions received will be published on my Department’s website in due course.
