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Partial Capacity Benefit Scheme Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 29 January 2013

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Questions (143)

Kevin Humphreys


143. Deputy Kevin Humphreys asked the Minister for Social Protection the number of people transferred to partial capacity benefit in 2012; if she will indicate the number of people in each assessment band of capacity; the number who were assessed as mild and not eligible; her views on the way the scheme is operating; if she has any plans to review its operation after one year; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [3923/13]

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The number of people awarded partial capacity benefit since the scheme commenced in February, 2012 until the end of the year was 908 in total. The numbers in each assessment band is as follows: Awarded - Moderate 770; Awarded - Severe 124; Awarded - Profound 14; Total - 908. Some 38 applicants were assessed as being capable of work and thus ineligible for the partial capacity benefit scheme.

The introduction of the partial capacity benefit scheme has provided an opportunity for people with disabilities, and assessed to have an employment capacity which is restricted in comparison to the norm, to avail of employment opportunities while continuing to receive an income support payment. The scheme is facilitating greater levels of recruitment of people with disabilities in the open labour market and represents an important development of the social welfare system. The department will continue to keep progress on the scheme under review.
