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Private Security Authority Remit

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 29 January 2013

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Questions (573)

Simon Harris


573. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for Justice and Equality if he has expanded the role of the Private Security Authority to cover the issuing of licences for businesses working in the area of CCTV, security gates and so on; if he has given consideration to the implementation costs to businesses; if he is confident that the Private Security Authority has adequate knowledge of this industry; if he is concerned about the potential black market activity; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4163/13]

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The Private Security Authority, an independent agency under the remit of my Department, is the regulatory body with responsibility for regulating and licensing the private security industry in the State. The Private Security Services Act 2004 (as amended) sets out the activities in the private security industry which are, or will be, subject to licensing. One of the security services prescribed in the primary legislation is that of 'installers of security equipment' which includes services such as Intruder Alarms, Access Control, and CCTV.

The Authority has adopted a phased approach to the licensing of the industry and the licensing of installers of intruder alarms systems commenced in August 2006. More recently, since 1st October 2012, contractors providing security services in the Access Control and CCTV sectors require a licence from the Authority. Contractors such as those in the Access Control and CCTV sectors are required to pay a licence fee to the Authority. The Authority is aware of the difficulties faced by the industry at this time and there has been ongoing contact between the Department and the Authority about the fee level. I expect to be in a position shortly to make an announcement about the matter.

The Authority has, since its establishment, shown its competence in regulating the security industry. A wide range of stakeholders have been represented on the Board of the Authority to date and they have brought their knowledge of the industry to the policy formation process. The Authority is committed to consulting with all stakeholders and considers the opinions of those in the industry in its business planning. I am informed that there were two periods of public consultation prior to the introduction of licensing to the Access Control and CCTV which contributed to the formulation of licensing regulations.

The Authority has extensive powers of enforcement under the legislation. I am informed by the Authority that it aims to ensure that all contractors are operating within the law and that it is in the process of boosting its inspection capabilities with a view to targeting unlicensed operators. Where there is sufficient evidence prosecution proceedings will be pursued against those operating outside the legislation. The Deputy will also appreciate that tax clearance certification is part of the licensing process.

Questions Nos. 574 and 575 answered with Question No. 557.