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Arts Promotion

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 30 January 2013

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Questions (126)

Bernard Durkan


126. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the extent to which he and his Department might consider the promotion of jointly sponsored cultural events with the US in the course of the current year in a mutually beneficial fashion; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4811/13]

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I have just appointed an Expert Advisory Committee for my Department's Culture Ireland Programme with representation from the arts and culture community, as well as representation from a range of bodies with a shared interest in Ireland’s international reach, including the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Tourism Ireland, the IDA and the Ireland Funds. This expanded new committee will ensure that there will be a heightened focus in the promotion of Irish arts abroad, leading not alone to further career opportunities for Irish artists but also to wider benefits of tourism and an enhanced global reputation for Ireland as a centre of creativity and innovation. There are many shared interests around the table who will now be working together to achieve a shared goal.

In 2011, Culture Ireland undertook Imagine Ireland as a special year-long initiative showcasing Irish arts and culture in the US. Throughout the year, more than 1,000 Irish artists were showcased in more than 500 events in more than 40 US States, working in partnership with key US festivals, venues and cultural institutions. The total budget for Imagine Ireland was €5m, of which €1m was from normal Culture Ireland funding and €4m was special once-off funding.

Following on from the success of Imagine Ireland, my Department's Culture Ireland Division has to date funded 51 projects from all art forms to perform in various venues across the United States totalling €424,000. My Department also led our fifth showcase of performing arts in New York as part of the annual conference of the Association of Performing Arts Presenters [APAP]. This included introducing a whole new selection of work by a wide variety of artists, some who are new to New York and some returning with fresh and interesting work. At the moment, confirmation of future bookings for 2013-2014 is awaited as a result of the attendance by Irish artists.
