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Departmental Agencies Board Appointments

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 31 January 2013

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Questions (63)

Billy Kelleher


63. Deputy Billy Kelleher asked the Minister for Finance if he will provide in tabular form the number of organisations or agencies under the aegis of his Department that have vacancies on their board; the length of time any such vacancies have been unfilled; the number of vacancies that have been advertised; the number of applications to fill such vacancies that have been received; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4859/13]

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Written answers

The following table is the response to the Deputy’s question.

Name of Body

No of vacancies and date vacancy arose

No of advertised vacancies

No of applications received

Central Bank Commission

1 vacancy (31st Dec 2011)

Expressions of interest sought

Approximately 19

National Treasury Management Agemcy Advisory Committee

Three vacancies

1 from 01 May 2012

2 from 01 Jan 2012

Expressions of interest were sought for these vacancies

One expression of interest received

National Pensions Reserve Fund Commission

One vacancy from

18 January 2013

The vacancy has not yet been advertised


National Development Finance Agency Board

Three vacancies

01 January 2013

Expressions of interest were sought for these vacancies

Five expressions of interest have been received

State Claims Agency Policy Committee

One vacancy from

01 January 2013

Position held by representative from Department of Health, which has been the practice since the committee was established
