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Community Development Initiatives

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 February 2013

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Questions (202)

Robert Troy


202. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the direct funding provided for the development of volunteering by his Department for each year from 2009 including the estimated provision for 2013; the plans he has to support volunteering here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5584/13]

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My Department provides funding for volunteering initiatives, including funding to support a network of twenty two Volunteer Centres nationally. 1% of funding under the Local and Community Development Programme is for volunteering activities. This funding is paid directly to Volunteer Centres which operate in LCDP areas.

As well as funding the local Volunteer Centres, my Department also funds Volunteer Ireland which was founded in 2011 following the amalgamation of Volunteer Centres Ireland and Volunteer Ireland. Volunteer Ireland facilitates and promotes the services offered by the local Volunteer Centres. Its role is also to develop best practice within and across the Volunteer Centres and it co-ordinates a national programme of volunteer management training that is delivered locally via the Volunteer Centres. My Department also supports other volunteering initiatives, for example through Boardmatch, Chambers Ireland, Focus Ireland, and Young Social Innovators.

My primary concern has been, and will continue to be, the protection of front line services delivering vital programmes and initiatives, especially those focused on the needs of the most socially deprived communities. Ensuring a continued positive impact across the Community and Voluntary sector, including encouraging and supporting, the spirit of volunteerism, will remain a key part of my Department’s work in the coming years. The following table shows the direct funding provided for volunteering initiatives from 2009 to 2012 and the 2013 allocation.





2013 Estimated






Question No. 203 answered with Question No. 180.
Question No. 204 answered with Question No. 167.
Question No. 205 answered with Question No. 186.