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Health Insurance Prices

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 February 2013

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Questions (827)

Billy Kelleher


827. Deputy Billy Kelleher asked the Minister for Health if his Department has employed the services of management consultants to advise on cost reductions in the Voluntary Health Insurance company; the recommendations being made to him in this regard; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5500/13]

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In 2012, VHI commissioned Milliman management consultants to undertake a review of its claims management. This external review looked at the opportunities and costs involved in possible reductions in utilisation that can be achieved by implementing appropriate utilisation management approaches. This is a major element of the VHI's drive to manage costs.

I have met with Milliman consultants who presented various cost savings initiatives for consideration by the VHI. The next phase of this review involves the development of a Utilisation Management Plan by VHI, which is now progressing.

Given the VHI's very significant share of the overall costs in the market, I will continue to focus strongly on the need for the VHI to address its costs and to address aggressively the base cost of procedures, including professional fees, with a view to containment and reduction of its overall cost base. I am keen to explore all available measures to limit the costs related to private health insurance and have made it clear to the health insurers that I believe that significant savings can be made, with a view to minimising need for increases in premiums. I welcome VHI's shared commitment to addressing the issue of costs containment.
