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Beef Industry Irregularities

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 12 February 2013

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Questions (139)

Dara Calleary


139. Deputy Dara Calleary asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if he will outline in detail controls his Department apply at factory level to ensure that processors comply with the correct beef carcase trim; and if he will further outline the implementation plan and procedures adopted by his Department in this regard. [6978/13]

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Officials of my Department carry out un-announced inspections at beef slaughtering plants to ensure that Carcase Dressing (Trim) is carried out in accordance with EU Regulations.

Unannounced inspections are carried out by authorised officers:

- According to an inspection schedule in an Annual Control Plan;

- As a result of infringements noted during a previous inspection visit;

- Where a complaint to the Department warrants an immediate inspection.

An inspection report form is furnished to factory management on completion of each inspection and, where appropriate, factory Management are required to address any deficiencies noted.

In 2012, 433 un-announced inspections were carried out during which almost 43,000 carcasses were inspected. It is planned to maintain this level of inspection in 2013. All inspecting officers are provided with ongoing training to ensure compliance with the Carcase Dressing (Trim) specification in accordance with the legislation.
