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School Curriculum

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 13 February 2013

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Questions (77)

Clare Daly


77. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Education and Skills the steps he intends to take to develop a more targeted approach to the way self-esteem and confidence building can be promoted within the curriculum. [7622/13]

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I would like to inform the Deputy that in developing the new Framework for Junior Cycle which I published last October, I was very aware of the importance of meeting the needs and interests of the students and of enabling them to achieve their full potential and be properly challenged through improving their learning experiences and outcomes.

The new Framework has 8 Principles - one of which is Wellbeing, whereby the student experience in junior cycle will directly contribute to their physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing and resilience. There are 24 Statements of Learning which describe the core of learning at junior cycle. It is through enjoyment, interest and being proactive that the young person will learn.

In addition, there are 8 key skills in the Framework. The obvious ones are literacy and numeracy but all 8 skills will be embedded in their learning through subjects, the new short courses and other learning experiences. With the skill of "staying well" it is expected that the young person will enhance their confidence, be enabled to be co-operative and respecting of difference.

The changes in assessment will also allow the student to gain evidence of learning as they progress through junior cycle. Positive feedback from teachers and, in fact, from parents will also ensure that the self-esteem, confidence and motivation of the young person is maintained throughout the three years. Through a commitment to the implementation of all aspects of the Framework, the educational system will be able to deliver a junior cycle that places the needs of the student at the core of learning and teaching and thereby improves the quality of the learning experiences and outcomes of all students.
