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Hospitals Building Programme

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 14 February 2013

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Questions (23)

Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin


23. Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked the Minister for Health the communications he had with the Health Service Executive in relation to building projects at Wexford General Hospital and at St. Luke's Hospital, Kilkenny; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [7447/13]

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The method and timescale for the delivery of health care infrastructure is a dynamic process which is constantly evolving to take account of changing circumstances, including the feasibility of implementation. There will always be more construction projects than can be funded by the Exchequer and the Health Service Executive must prioritise infrastructure projects within its overall capital envelope.

I requested that the HSE accelerate the projects in both Wexford and in Kilkenny and for very good reasons. At Wexford General Hospital the admissions lounge is in a portakabin-style building, as is the medical assessment unit at St Luke’s Hospital Kilkenny.

The new Wexford project comprises an emergency department, a maternity delivery suite and theatre and the necessary equipping. A main entrance / new concourse will also be provided. The project is under construction and is making good progress. It is expected to be completed and operational in mid to late 2014.

The new Kilkenny project comprises an emergency department, a medical assessment unit and a day services unit including endoscopy. Construction commenced in 2012 and the project is expected to be completed and operational in mid to late 2014.

Both projects were approved for inclusion in the HSE capital programme in 2008 and have been included in all of the HSE’s multi-annual Capital Plans since then.

My decisions fully supported the Government priority which is to improve conditions for patients and reduce overcrowding in Emergency Departments through the delivery of improved accommodation including medical assessment units.

As you will be aware, one of the concerns over many years has been capacity issues in the Emergency Departments. Since 2006 capital funding has been made available for an A&E Initiative to provide a series of admission lounges and medical assessment units in order to relieve pressure on A&E departments. Continuing to address these capacity issues has always been a fundamental aspect of HSE’s Capital Plans. The 2008 Capital Plan contained funding to complete developments underway, deliver new A&Es and to upgrade and extend existing departments. The Wexford and Kilkenny projects were part of this initiative to address capacity.

Following the 2009 Budget and Supplementary Budget the HSE’s capital allocation was reduced by about 32%. As a consequence, certain projects were paused or deferred. Those projects which were in construction or at the equipping stage were completed, whereas those which were at earlier stages of development such as appraisal or design were paused / deferred once those stages were completed. The projects deferred included the Wexford and St Luke’s Kilkenny projects.

Both projects had advanced sufficiently by 2011 which enabled me to make my decision to accelerate them. Planning permission was in place and both had undergone the design phase. No projects were delayed, held or omitted from the capital programme to accommodate these projects.

I was delighted to receive an additional €12 million from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform in order to expedite the sorely needed facility in Wexford General Hospital. Given that savings were achieved in the construction area due to reduced costs associated with the economic downturn it was also possible to expedite the St Luke’s project.

The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform sanctioned the 2011 Capital Plan which included these much needed projects.
