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Health Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 14 February 2013

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Questions (65)

Maureen O'Sullivan


65. Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Health if he recognises the condition, X microvascular dysfunction, as a cardiac syndrome; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that in the US they have developed a new machine to diagnose the condition more effectively; the reason that some people with this debilitating condition cannot receive a statement from their cardiologists that they are unfit for work which affects their social welfare entitlements; if his Department will formulate public awareness programmes to raise awareness of this condition here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [7633/13]

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Microvascular dysfunction is sometimes referred to as microvascular angina or cardiac syndrome X is recognised as a cardiac syndrome. This rare syndrome is difficult to diagnose and is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning that diagnosis is reached by a process of elimination. The tests for the syndrome are the same tests carried out for coronary heart disease. Outside of research procedures, I am not aware of a new machine that is in use for treatment of the syndrome. As the carrying out of Public Awareness Campaigns is the responsibility of the HSE, I will bring this matter to their attention.

I cannot comment here on clinical related decisions by medical consultants concerned with specific cases.

Question No. 66 answered with Question No. 26.
Question No. 67 answered with Question No. 34.
Question No. 68 answered with Question No. 62.