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Job Creation Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 21 February 2013

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Questions (17)

Michael Colreavy


17. Deputy Michael Colreavy asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the number of additional jobs now on site through the investment in Vistamed in Carrick on Shannon. [9060/13]

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Enterprise Ireland has had an active relationship with VistaMed and is working with the company to ensure growth is concentrated in Ireland. In particular, the agency is seeking to ensure that VistaMed becomes the preferred centre for new medical product development within the conglomerate Group and that the maximum number of new jobs is created in Ireland.

Enterprise Ireland has invested in the company since I announced 79 new jobs in the company in 2011 and there has been a substantial increase in employment in the company since. However I understand from Enterprise Ireland that employment figures for individual agency supported companies are held in confidence.

The company is now undertaking a major expansion of its facilities and capabilities which will ensure it is optimally positioned to capture increasingly higher value-added contracts in expanding international territories.

The medical technologies industry is of key importance to the Irish economy and has continued to grow year on year despite the global recession.

The sector employs 25,000 people directly in Ireland and had exports in excess of €7.3bn in 2011 – up 14% on 2008 levels.

The Government continues to invest in Research and Innovation in this sector, despite the economic challenges. Medical Devices is one of the priority research areas identified under Research Prioritisation, which aims to optimise the use of State funding invested in research and development, in terms of economic and societal impact and ultimately, jobs.
