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Banks Recapitalisation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 26 February 2013

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Questions (201)

Pearse Doherty


201. Deputy Pearse Doherty asked the Minister for Finance further to the announcement on 25 July 2011, of the sale of a 35% stake in Bank of Ireland to a group of North American investors for a price of up to €1.123bn, if he will confirm the sums received to date; the date received, and a schedule of any further payments due. [9765/13]

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On 25 July 2011, the Minister for Finance announced that a group of investors had committed to buy up to €1.1bn of the NPRF’s shares in Bank of Ireland. This commitment reduced, from €1.9bn to €0.8bn (58% reduction), the potential maximum cost for the State to meet the bank’s PCAR equity capital requirement. As a result of investment from other non-Government sources, the total cost to the State (through the NPRF) from underwriting the bank’s equity capital raise reduced from €0.8bn to €0.2bn (including net underwriting fees received by the NPRF of €0.05bn). The actual amount sold by the NPRF to the investors was 10.5bn Bank of Ireland shares at a price of 10c per share. The disposal of these shares took place in two tranches. The first disposal for €0.24bn settled on 2 August 2011 with the second, and final, tranche for €0.81bn settling on 17 October 2011.

The net proceeds from the disposals were transferred, on foot of a Ministerial Direction, from the NPRF to the Exchequer within 5 days of receipt from the investors.

There are no further payments due.
