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Community Employment Schemes Review

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 27 February 2013

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Questions (189)

Robert Dowds


189. Deputy Robert Dowds asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will give consideration to any measure which could reduce the cost currently circa €1,500 of annual audits to community employment scheme sponsors, which are limited companies. [10685/13]

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A financial review of the CE schemes was carried out by Department officials last year. One of the findings was that the requirement that an annual audit be conducted for each scheme without any limit being placed on the amount allowable for audit costs, had in certain cases resulted in value for money not being secured. A comparison of audit fees indicated that there was a wide variation in costs (minima €20, maxima €9,500). The level of reimbursement of audit fees has now been capped at €1,000 from the overall materials grant, which is considered to be adequate.
