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Credit Review Office Appeal Numbers

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 28 February 2013

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Questions (64)

Mary Lou McDonald


64. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Finance if he is satisfied with the take-up from small and medium sized enterprises in using the Credit Review Office; and if he will outline the way he implemented the recommendations in the review of the office. [10564/13]

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I am concerned at the low level of numbers of SMEs seeking reviews by the Credit Review Office. The most recent report by the Credit Reviewer shows that the Credit Review Office upheld the credit appeal in 118 cases or 55.9% of cases decided. The upheld appeals have resulted in €13M credit being made available to SMEs and farms, protecting 1,102 jobs. This shows that there is a strong prospect of success for SMEs going to the Credit Review Office and I would strongly encourage SMEs refused credit to seek a review by the Office. I find it difficult to understand why SMEs who are at risk of going out of business are not willing to seek a review of a refusal of credit. As a first step in implementing the recommendations of the assessment of the Credit Review Office published last year, I sanctioned an increase in the numbers on the Credit Review Panel in order to facilitate faster processing of decisions.

My officials are currently looking at how to implement the other appropriate changes to the Credit Review Office regime and at the liaison needed with other stakeholders in the process. This issue has been discussed at the SME State Bodies Group and will be discussed with the SME Funding Consultation Committee. The Credit Reviewer also said in his most recent report that he accepts the proposals in the assessment and that his team is working with stakeholders to implement these proposals where possible.
