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Thursday, 28 Feb 2013

Written Answers Nos. 213-221

Agri-Environment Options Scheme Payments

Questions (213)

Paul Connaughton


213. Deputy Paul J. Connaughton asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when an agri-environment options scheme 2012 payment will issue in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Galway; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10849/13]

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The person named was approved for participation in the Agri-Environment Options Scheme with effect from the 1 September 2010 and full payments totalling €1,666.66 and €4,999.98 issued in respect of 2010 and 2011 respectively.

Under the EU Regulations governing the Scheme and other area-based payment schemes, a comprehensive administrative check, including cross-checks with the Land Parcel Identification System, must be completed before any payment can issue. During these checks for 2012 an overclaim was discovered in relation to the claimed area on the Species Rich Grassland action. Officials in my Department are currently investigating this issue with the intention of finalising the application of the person named and issuing payment as soon as possible.

Rural Development Programme Funding

Questions (214)

Dara Calleary


214. Deputy Dara Calleary asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the reason funding under the common agricultural policy was not available to allow farmers here to cover the cost of advice from the Agricultural Consultants Association which is an approved advisor under the FÁS scheme operated under Article 13 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1782/2006 by his Department; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10860/13]

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Under CAP 2007 – 2013, Member States had the option to provide funding for the Farm Advisory Service (FAS) from within the overall funding available under the Rural Development Programme (RDP). Following a consultation process with stakeholders on the allocation of the overall RDP funding available to Ireland, it was decided that the support should be allocated to other measures benefiting farmers, rather than to FAS. This did not, however, reduce the overall drawdown to Ireland under the Programme.

While there is an option in the draft Rural Development measure under the CAP post 2013 proposals to fund a Farm Advisory Service, as negotiations are ongoing, it is too early to predict the eventual outcome and the funding implications for individual aspects.

Disadvantaged Areas Scheme Applications

Questions (215)

Éamon Ó Cuív


215. Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when payment under the 2012 disadvantaged areas scheme will be issued to a person (details supplied) in County Galway; the reasons for the delay in the issuing of this payment; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10872/13]

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Under 2012 Disadvantaged Areas Scheme, holdings of eligible applicants are required to have met a minimum stocking density of 0.15 livestock units for a retention period of six consecutive months, in addition to maintaining an annual average of 0.15 livestock units calculated over the twelve months of the scheme year.

As the applicant has not as yet demonstrated that the holding satisfies the scheme minimum stocking density requirements, as of now, no payment is due in respect of the 2012 Scheme.

Departmental Bodies

Questions (216)

Kevin Humphreys


216. Deputy Kevin Humphreys asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if he will provide a list of the members or former members of the Judiciary who, during the past five years, have acted as chairperson or member of any body in or under his Department, or as chairperson or member of any inquiry, or have performed functions including arbitration, mediation, conciliation, patronage, advisory or law reform functions or any other role in or in any body under his Department or in any body wholly or partly funded by him, specifying in each case the name of the judge; if he or she is serving or retired; the court of which he or she is or was a member; the role or function performed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10873/13]

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My Department has not appointed any current or former member of the judiciary to any positions in this Department nor any body funded by this Department in the past five years.

Departmental Bodies

Questions (217)

Kevin Humphreys


217. Deputy Kevin Humphreys asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if she will provide a list of the members or former members of the judiciary who, during the past five years, have acted as chairperson or member of any body in or under his Department, or as chairperson or member of any inquiry, or have performed functions including arbitration, mediation, conciliation, patronage, advisory or law reform functions or any other role in or in any body under her Department or in any body wholly or partly funded by her, specifying in each case the name of the judge; if he or she is serving or retired; the Court of which he or she is or was a member; and the role or function performed; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [10875/13]

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Since the establishment of my Department on 2 June, 2011, there has been one appointment of an acting member of the judiciary to a body under its remit. The body in question was the National Education Welfare Board and the appointment involved Judge Ann Ryan who was nominated by the President of the District Court to sit on an Appeal Committee established by my Department under Section 15 (3) of the Education (Welfare) Act, 2000. The Committee was established to determine an appeal brought by a parent under Section 15 (1) of the Act and, by decision of the Committee, Judge Ryan acted as Chair.

Child Protection

Questions (218)

Bernard Durkan


218. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the extent to which the children of a person (details supplied) in County Kildare are provided for in accordance with agreement reached between parents who are separated and child protection legislation; if the availability of appropriate accommodation is a factor in this case; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [10902/13]

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As this is a service matter, I have asked the Health Service Executive to respond directly to the Deputy with the most up-to-date information.

Health Services Provision

Questions (219)

Nicky McFadden


219. Deputy Nicky McFadden asked the Minister for Health the actions he will take in order to adequately resource the neuro-rehabilitation strategy; if he will address the lack of neuro-rehabilitation services to match the needs of the 700,000 persons with a neurological condition living here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10740/13]

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The aim of neuro-rehabilitation is to enable the person to achieve the highest possible level of independence. Desired outcomes range from a return to full independence in social and work situations to a person requiring long-term support and care but with a higher level of independence than in the absence of neuro-rehabilitation. Current services available include acute hospital services; the National Rehabilitation Hospital; multi-disciplinary community services; long-term assisted living supports; and rehabilitative training services. These services are provided directly by the Health Service Executive (HSE) and several non-statutory organisations.

The Department of Health and the HSE have developed and published the "National Policy and Strategy for the provision of Neuro-Rehabilitation Services in Ireland 2011 - 2015". The report recognises that given the current economic climate, the focus in the short to medium term has to be on reconfiguration of services, structures and resources and the enhancement of the skills and competencies required to meet the changing context. In addition, the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Minister for Health announced a significant capital development at the National Rehabilitation Hospital, replacing the existing 120 bed complement and therapy accommodation.

I have referred the Deputy's specific question regarding the provision of neuro-rehabilitation services to the HSE, for direct reply to the Deputy.

General Practitioner Services

Questions (220)

Robert Troy


220. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Health the number of doctors who applied for the general practitioner job in Miltownpass, County Westmeath, which was advertised, but according to the Health Service Executive no candidate could be found. [10751/13]

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As the Deputy's question relates to a service matter, I have arranged for the question to be referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply to the Deputy.

Alcohol Pricing

Questions (221)

Michael McNamara


221. Deputy Michael McNamara asked the Minister for Health if a minimum pricing order in respect of off licence sales of alcohol is still under consideration; when proposals are likely to be presented to Cabinet; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10752/13]

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Real and tangible proposals are currently being finalised on foot of the recommendations in the National Substance Misuse Strategy report. These proposals cover all of the areas mentioned in the report, including: legislation on minimum unit pricing which is about setting a statutory floor price per gram of alcohol. Following consideration by the Cabinet Committee on Social Policy and liaison with other Departments, I intend to bring forward specific proposals for consideration by Government as soon as possible.

In the meantime, work on developing a framework for the necessary Department of Health legislation is continuing. For example, in conjunction with Northern Ireland, a health impact assessment is being commissioned as part of the process of developing a legislative basis for minimum unit pricing. The health impact assessment will study the impact of different minimum prices on a range of areas such as health, crime and likely economic impact.
