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Garda Transport Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 March 2013

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Questions (386)

Tom Barry


386. Deputy Tom Barry asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the criteria used to determine the distribution of garda fleet vehicles. [11412/13]

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Decisions in relation to the provision and deployment of Garda transport are matters for the Garda Commissioner in the context of his identified policing requirements. Responsibility for the efficient deployment of Garda transport in each Division is assigned to the Divisional Officer, who may allocate vehicles between stations, as required by operational circumstances. The Deputy will appreciate that a degree of flexibility in allocating and re-allocating vehicles among stations, so as to best match the allocation of resources with policing priorities, is essential to the efficient management of the Garda fleet. The detailed allocation of vehicles is determined through a process of ongoing analysis of An Garda Síochána's operational requirements and of current policing strategies in place at both Divisional and Regional levels. This process enables Garda management to deploy available resources in the most effective manner to ensure that the best possible Garda service is provided to the public.
