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Tobacco Control Measures

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 March 2013

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Questions (461)

Damien English


461. Deputy Damien English asked the Minister for Health his views on the joint submission, recently received by his Department to its June 2012 consultation on the Your Health is Your Wealth public health framework from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, TransAtlantic Business Dialogue, Emergency Committee for American Trade, National Association of Manufacturers, National Foreign Trade Council and US Council for International Business; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that this submission calls on the Irish Government to exercise great caution when considering the possible introduction of legislation that could damage Ireland’s reputation as a leading jurisdiction for intellectual property rights; if he is concerned that EU proposals in a number of fields could threaten Ireland’s reputation for having a strong intellectual property rights regime and as a result, impact on foreign direct investment here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11198/13]

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Tobacco products are the main issues outlined to in the submission referred to by the Deputy in the context of Intellectual Property. This submission was received following a consultation process held in 2012 in relation to “Your Health is Your Wealth – Health and Well-being Framework 2012-2020”. The submission refers to the fact that plain packaging of tobacco products was identified during the consultation process as a legislative gap in Ireland. This measure was just one of eight measures identified in feedback from the consultation process in relation to legislative proposals specifically related to Tobacco and was outlined in the technical supplement “A discussion paper on public health and the law, including proposals for a new Public Health Act – Draft document for consultation”. As the Deputy is aware last December the European Commission published a proposal for a new EU Tobacco Products Directive, the ultimate purpose of which is to reduce the numbers of people smoking.

Areas covered by the new proposal include labelling and packaging. The proposal foresees combined warnings (pictures plus text) of 75% to be displayed on both sides of the pack In addition under the proposal Member States would be free to regulate the area of the packet not regulated by this Directive or other Union legislation, including implementing provisions for full standardisation of tobacco products. This proposal is being discussed in the European Parliament and Council of Ministers and the Commission has expressed the hope that it will be adopted in 2014. I am fully supportive of the measures outlined in the proposal. My objective is to build consensus, facilitate agreement among the Member States and significantly progress the Commission’s proposal during Ireland's Presidency.

My colleague, the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation is at the forefront of ensuring that Ireland pursues a strong intellectual property regime as part of its policy to encourage new and continued investment into Ireland. However, the issue which is the subject of the Deputy's question raises essential issues in terms of public health policy and therefore, the public interest focus must be strongly and to the fore in considering these proposals.
