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Retail Sector

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 6 March 2013

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Questions (122)

Patrick O'Donovan


122. Deputy Patrick O'Donovan asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation when he expects to see a single web-based portal for the registration of licences by retailers established; if he envisages that this will require legislation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12012/13]

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The Forfás report on "The Review and Audit of Licences" recommended the introduction of an integrated licensing system. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Recovery and Jobs considered an action plan for the introduction of such a system at meetings in December 2012 and January 2013 and agreed that an integrated licensing system for the retail sector be delivered by the end of this year. The Government considers this project to be of significant importance and it is included as a Disruptive Reform in the recently published Action Plan for Jobs 2013. Such an integrated licensing system is a reformative step in reducing the administrative burdens for business.

Delivering an integrated licensing system, in the first instance for the retail sector, will require the firm and ongoing commitment and engagement of the relevant licensing authorities to work closely with my Department and with Forfás. A list of 30 core licences for the retail sector have been identified for the initial stages of this project involving up to 16 licensing authorities. My colleague, Minister John Perry, has invited all these authorities at the highest level to become members of the Steering Group for this project; the Steering Group will begin meeting shortly. Minister Perry will chair this group.

Furthermore, an audit of the statutory obligations and required administrative processes of those core licences identified for the retail sector is underway. This audit includes: a review of all the information that is required for each licence in terms of application, renewal and compliance; an assessment/understanding of the current systems for approval, authorisation, record keeping, security and personnel engaged; further analysis to identify those licences that can be amalgamated/integrated, and a review of the current underpinning IT frameworks. The outputs of this audit process will inform whether any legislative change is required as well as the definition of an integrated licence management system that will include the technical infrastructure design, the detailed system design and security and risk analysis.
