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Lease Agreements

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 13 March 2013

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Questions (93)

Michael Healy-Rae


93. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the position regarding a State agency (details supplied) that has paid almost €5 million in rent on a vacant property in the past five years, a building that it is unable to sublet to others; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13398/13]

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Carrisbrook House was acquired by AnCO in 1969 on a 65 year full-repairing lease, commencing on 1st August 1969 and expiring on 31st July 2034. There is no provision for lease breaks on the property and the rent is due for review every seven years. The Industrial Development Authority acquired the lease from AnCo on 20th October 1976. On 1st January 1994, the leasehold interest transferred to Forfás. The Industrial Development Authority occupied Carrisbrook House from 1976 until 1985, when the agency relocated to Wilton Park House. I understand that the Youth Employment Agency occupied three floors of Carrisbrook House between 1986 and 1989.

Since 1985, the available offices were sub-let to a number of tenants outside the public sector on a continuous basis until early 2008 when a major tenant exercised its break clause in its sublease and vacated the building. The Israeli Embassy is currently the only occupant of the premises, on a sub-lease which expires in 2025. The total rent per annum paid by Forfas in respect of the vacant space in Carrisbrook House since 2008 has been as follows: 2008, €0.743m; 2009, €0.990m: 2010, €0.990m; 2011, 0.990m; 2012, €0.990m.

In addition, annual rates and service charges are applicable on the building. Forfás has been actively seeking to market the vacant space in Carrisbrook House since 2008. The Office of Public Works and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform have also been advised, through my Department and Forfás, of the availability of vacant space in the building. The IDA has also been asked to bring the availability of the accommodation to the attention of prospective clients. In current market conditions, and despite a number of engagements with potential tenants by Forfas, a letting has not been secured.
