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Defence Forces Remuneration

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 14 March 2013

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Questions (25)

Catherine Murphy


25. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Defence the reason soldiers and other military professionals are not consulted on pay and service negotiations until after a prospective deal has been concluded; if he has expressed any suggestions to the Department for Public Expenditure and Reform to include them in the process; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13151/13]

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Talks on an extension to the ‘Public Service Agreement 2010 – 2014’ concluded last month. Arising out of those discussions, the Labour Relations Commission proposals regarding the ‘Public Service Agreement 2013-2016’ are currently being considered by the public sector staff representatives, prior to a ballot of their members.

It is not the case that the Representative Associations of members of the Permanent Defence Force (PDF), the Representative Association for Commissioned Officers, RACO, and the Permanent Defence Force Other Ranks Representative Association, PDOFRRA, were not consulted until after a prospective deal had been concluded. It is true to say that they are not trade unions and are not, therefore, represented by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. While this means that there must be parallel negotiations with the associations, it does not make any such negotiations less real.

Discussions on a Defence Sector agreement were held between Defence sector civil and military management and the Representative Associations of members of the PDF in parallel to the discussions which were held with the public sector trade unions affiliated to ICTU. The PDF Representative Associations were also informed, in tandem with all other unions and associations who stayed in the talks, of the proposals that emanated directly from Government. It is important to state that the Defence staff representatives had an opportunity to influence and shape the outcome in the best interests of their members by negotiation and discussion with their management counterparts.

I am satisfied with the present parallel process arrangements in place and have no plans to raise the matter with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.
