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Health Services Staff Remuneration

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 20 March 2013

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Questions (54)

Pearse Doherty


54. Deputy Pearse Doherty asked the Minister for Health if he has considered a proposal for a salary review in respect of the chief executive officer of the Health Service Executive; if this is an upward review; the sum involved; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13775/13]

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The Health Service Executive (Governance) Bill 2012 provides for the replacement of the HSE Board with a Directorate structure. The Directorate will be comprised of the Director General and a number of senior managers, and will have collective responsibility as the governing authority for the HSE. As well as chairing the Directorate, the Director General will be responsible for the management of the HSE.

The annual salary for the present Deputy CEO of the HSE has been set at €194,950. Once the new Bill has been passed by the Oireachtas, I intend to formally appoint the Deputy CEO as Director General. The salary rate which will then apply to this post will be agreed with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. I have no proposals for an upward review of the salary for this position. The rate for the position, as with all senior public service posts, will be subject to reduction in line with the arrangements announced by the Government in the context of the public service pay talks which concluded on 25 February last.

Question No. 55 answered with Question No. 38.
Question No. 56 answered with Question No. 7.