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Homeless Persons Supports

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 26 March 2013

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Questions (536)

Maureen O'Sullivan


536. Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Health the residential accommodation and services provided by the Health Service Executive in Dublin 1 and Dublin 7; the staffing levels; the type of accommodation and services; the numbers availing of the accommodation and service; and if there are similar statistics available for other areas in Dublin. [14861/13]

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The Department of Environment, Community and Local Government and local authorities have statutory responsibility for the provision of homelessness services in Ireland in line with the National Homeless Strategy, 'The Way Home 2008-2013' and 'Pathway to Home'.

Local authorities identify and address the level of need through a range of community based accommodation options and related housing supports, and the HSE and its partner agencies arrange health and personal social care supports appropriate to the individual service user's needs within this structure.

The allocation of the HSE's homeless budget comes within the remit of the HSE and is allocated based on identified needs in line with the overall financial constraints that the HSE operates within.

Residential accommodation and services provided by the HSE in Dublin 1 and Dublin 7 also relate to mental health and addiction services.

In line with the agreed Programme for Government, this Government has prioritised the reform of our mental health services, and is committed in particular to the delivery of more and better quality care in the community as envisaged in ‘A Vision for Change ’. With regard to residential services, a great deal of progress has been made with the accelerated closure of old psychiatric hospitals and their replacement with bespoke new facilities such as the Phoenix Care Centre, which was opened recently at the St. Brendan’s Campus, Grangegorman in the Dublin 7 area.

In relation to the specific issue raised by the Deputy, as this is a service issue it has been referred to the HSE for direct reply.
