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Commercial Rates Calculations

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 27 March 2013

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Questions (220)

Simon Harris


220. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if he has considered any plans to revise the criteria and system on which commercial levies are based; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15503/13]

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I have no immediate plans to amend the legislation governing commercial rates.

Local authorities are under a statutory obligation to levy rates on any property used for commercial purposes in accordance with the details entered in the valuation lists prepared by the independent Commissioner of Valuation under the Valuation Act 2001. The Commissioner for Valuation has sole responsibility for all valuation matters , including the most appropriate method of valuation. The levying and collection of rates are matters for each individual local authority.

It is important to acknowledge that commercial rates, as a local tax, and the rating system generally are deeply embedded in the local government system. A large body of case law is well established and local authorities and ratepayers are, in the main, very familiar with, and generally accepting of, the operation and practice of the rating system. Rates are also a stable source of financing for local government which is not affected unduly by short-term changes in economic circumstances.

I recognise that these are difficult economic times for many businesses and I am continuing to keep all matters relating to rates under regular consideration in my Department.
