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Proposed Legislation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 27 March 2013

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Questions (39)

Gerry Adams


39. Deputy Gerry Adams asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the steps he has taken to ensure that all legislation produced by his Department is in line with the spirit of international agreements signed up to by this State including the Good Friday Agreement. [15051/13]

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Legislation is developed in accordance with set procedures which take account of all legal and constitutional issues that may arise. Issues contained in international agreements where relevant are considered as part of this process.

The procedures for the development and enactment of legislation provide the opportunity for both Senators and Deputies in the Houses of the Oireachtas to raise any issues in relation to the draft legislation, including issues in relation to international agreements such as the Good Friday Agreement, for consideration and agreement by both Houses.
