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Health Services Staff

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 16 April 2013

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Questions (1111)

Michael McGrath


1111. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Health if he has identified the specific sections of the Health Service Executive where employees can apply for the planned new targeted voluntary redundancy scheme; when he expects the scheme to open for applications; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16069/13]

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The Government has decided that the numbers employed across the public service must be reduced, in order to meet fiscal and budgetary targets. The health sector must make its contribution to that reduction. This policy requires that by the end of 2013, the health service achieves a workforce of 98,955 whole-time equivalents (WTEs).

Work is being undertaken at present by my Department, in conjunction with the HSE, to develop a series of targeted measures which will facilitate the achievement of the necessary net reductions in health service staff numbers, while at the same time ensuring that the service levels and other objectives provided for in the HSE's National Service Plan 2013 are delivered upon. These measures include an Incentivised Career Break Scheme and a targeted Voluntary Redundancy Scheme.

These schemes will be among the tools available to the HSE to assist in achieving the reductions required. It will be a matter for the HSE to determine the specific locations, units, services etc. to be targeted while ensuring that front-line service delivery is minimised.

I expect that the schemes will be made available on a phased basis in the coming weeks.
