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Departmental Reports

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 16 April 2013

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Questions (1293)

Simon Harris


1293. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for Health if he will provide details of all reports and strategies which have been developed by his Department or any agency under his Department's remit in relation to disability services and any specific disabilities or special needs from 1997 to date; the name of the report or strategy, date of publication, action taken arising from the publication of the report; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17185/13]

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Details of reports published by this Department and agencies under the aegis of the Department on disability services or special needs from 1997 to date are listed beneath.

Published by:

Date of Public-ation:

Name of Report:

Action taken arising from publication of report:

Department of Health


Enhancing the Partnership (incorporating Widening the Partnership) – Report of the Working Group on the Implementation of the Health Strategy in Relation to Persons with a Mental Handicap (1997)

Formalised the arrangements governing the funding of nonprofit intellectual disability organisations by the former health boards. Following the endorsement of the report by the Minister, responsibility for funding certain organisations transferred from the Department of Health to the Health Boards.

Department of Health


Services to persons with a mental handicap / intellectual disability : an assessment of need 1997-2001

Informed decisions on funding for disability services in the years following publication.

Department of Health


Hearing disability assessment: report of the Expert Hearing Group

The HSE is currently implementing an audiology clinical care programme.

Published by:

Date of Publication:

Name of Report:

Action taken arising from publication of report:

Department of Health


National Physical and Sensory Disability Database - Report of the National Physical and Sensory Disability Database Development Committee

National Physical and Sensory Disability Database established in Health Research Board.

Department of Health


Outline Sectoral Plan under the Disability Bill 2004

Interim plan

Department of Health


Disability Act 2005: Sectoral Plan for the Department of Health and Children and the Health Services

Ensured that the needs of people with disabilities would be considered in all health policy planning and service delivery processes.

Department of Health


Year 1 Review of the Sectoral Plan; Disability Act 2005

Review of the first year of progress in implementing the Disability Act 2005.

Department of Health and Department of Education & Science


Standards for the Assessment of Need process under Part 2 of the Disability Act 2005

Disability Act 2005 commenced in respect of children aged 5 and under and assessments carried out in accordance with the standards.

Department of Health


Review of the circumstances surrounding the elapse of time in bringing to completion the Western Health Board Inquiry into Allegations of Abuse in the Brothers of Charity Services, Galway

Factual report.

Department of Health


Progress Report – Year 3 Review (2009) – Sectoral Plan under the Disability Act 2005

Second review sets out progress in relation to the implementation of the Department of Health and Children’s Sectoral Plan in respect of health and personal social services provision for people with disabilities.

Department of Health


Report on Public Consultation - Efficiency and Effectiveness of Disability Services in Ireland

Provided an input into the Value for Money and Policy Review of Disability Services.

Department of Health


Report of the State Claims Agency on Compensation for Thalidomide Survivors

Proposals in the report rejected by the Thalidomide survivors.

Department of Health and Health Service Executive


National Policy and Strategy for the Provision of Neuro-Rehabilitation Services in Ireland 2011 - 2015

Implementation will be progressed under the HSE's operational plan for 2013.

Department of Health


Report of Disability Policy Review by the Expert Reference Group on Disability Policy

Provided an input into the Value for Money (VFM) and Policy Review of Disability Services.

Published by:

Date of Public-ation:

Name of Report:

Action taken arising from publication of report:

Department of Health


Value for Money and Policy Review of Disability Services in Ireland

Currently being progressed by HSE.

Department of Health and Department of Environment, Community and Local Government


Housing Strategy for People with a Disability 2011-2016 National Implementation Framework

Currently being progressed by HSE.

Department of Health


Value for Money and Policy Review of Disability Services in Ireland - National Implementation Framework

The National Implementation Framework determines how the recommendations from the VFM Review are translated into concrete actions. Recommendations in the VFM Review are currently being progressed by HSE.

Health Research Board

2000 to 2012

Annual Report of the National Intellectual Disability Database Committee, 1998/1999; 2000; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011

The NIDD informs decision-making in relation to the planning of specialised health and personal social services for people with intellectual disabilities.

Health Research Board

2004 to 2012

Annual report of the National Physical and Sensory Disability Database Committee, 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011

The NPSDD informs decision-making in relation to the planning of specialised health and personal social services for people with physical or sensory disabilities.

Health Service Executive


Time to Move on from Congregated Settings - A Strategy for Community Inclusion

Currently being progressed by HSE.

Health Service Executive


New Directions – Personal Support Services for Adults with Disabilities

Currently being progressed by HSE.

Health Service Executive


National Review of Autism Services - Past, Present and Way Forward

The Autism Review will feed into the Department of Health’s consideration of Autism Policy going forward.

Health Service Executive


Respite/Residential Care with Host Families in Community Settings

Will inform future decision making by the HSE on how best to develop, implement and monitor this model of service provision within disability services.

Health Service Executive


Report of Dr Kevin McCoy on Western Health Board Inquiry into Brothers of Charity Services in Galway

Fact-finding report.

Published by:

Date of Public-ation:

Name of Report:

Action taken arising from publication of report:

Health Service Executive


Report of the National Reference Group on Multidisciplinary Disability Services for Children aged 5-18

Currently being progressed by HSE.

Health Service Executive

2007 - 2010

Report on Implementation of the Disability Act 2005 (3 separate reports)

Factual report.

National Rehabilitation Board


Employment Challenges for the Millennium – Report of the National Advisory Committee on Training and Employment (1997)

As recommended in the report, and in line with the Government's mainstreaming policy, responsibility for the employment of people with disabilities was moved to the former Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment.

National Council on Ageing and Older People


The Quality of Life of Older People with a Disability in Ireland

Factual report.
