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Rural Transport Services Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 16 April 2013

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Questions (1399)

Gerry Adams


1399. Deputy Gerry Adams asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport his views on the value of the rural transport scheme in rural communities (details supplied); if he will consider extending the service where possible to further increase routes and link in with main bus routes and main rail network services; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17378/13]

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An overall budget of €9.133 million has been allocated by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport to the Rural Transport Programme (RTP) for 2013, representing a small decrease on the 2012 allocation of €9.77 million, at a very difficult time financially.  €78,670 of the 2013 RTP budget has been allocated to the Louth Leader Partnership from January to June 2013, with a further proposed allocation of €78,670 from July to December 2013. €156,964 of the 2013 RTP budget has been allocated to Meath Accessible Transport Limited (Flexibus) from January to June 2013, with a further proposed allocation of €156,964 from July to December 2013.  This represents a total 2013 allocation of RTP funding of €471,268 for the provision of RTP services in the Louth and Meath areas.

My aim is to strengthen the RTP by ensuring a more efficient delivery structure by maximising integration with other state transport services and by making  the programme a sustainable part of the public transport system. This is in line with the Programme for Government commitment to maintain and extend the RTP with other local transport services.  To this end national responsibility for local and rural transport services integration, including the RTP, was assigned to the National Transport Authority (NTA) with effect from 1st April 2012, putting such services in a broader transport context.  I established the National Integrated Rural Transport (NIRT) Committee in April 2012, comprising key stakeholders , including RTP groups, and chaired by the NTA, to oversee and manage a partnership approach to implementing integrated local and rural transport.

I am well aware of the very valuable work done by the RTP Groups, such as Flexibus, in identifying and delivering the transport needs of their local community.  I met with Flexibus when I launched their Smartphone Application last October.  However, given  resources are limited and that the Value for Money and Policy Review of the RTP, published last year, recommended organisational restructuring to achieve efficiencies and the better alignment of the 35 RTP groups with local authorities, it is necessary that the current delivery mechanisms and structures are examined and revised.

The current structures of the RTP are not sustainable if the required efficiencies and savings are to be achieved. If these are not achieved then with the limited resources available services will decline.

Work is underway to determine the optimal structure for the delivery of rural transport from an efficiency and service perspective. One of the proposals being examined is that the RTPs be "aligned" with local authorities and that a number of Transport Coordination Units be established. It must be emphasised that no decision has been taken regarding Counties Louth, Meath, or any other part of the country, but I am hopeful that I will be in a position to recommend a new structure later this year which will allow for the maximising of spend on services and the reduction of administration costs. It is my intention that any future structure for the RTP will be based on community input, local flexibility and involving the voluntary sector.  Rural Transport by its nature is community-based and this will remain under any new structure.
