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Social Welfare Code

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 April 2013

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Questions (385)

Seamus Healy


385. Deputy Seamus Healy asked the Minister for Social Protection if he will amend the regulation that prevents recipients of BASI from community welfare officers, from availing of two weeks holidays with payment that is available to recipients of other social welfare payments; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18855/13]

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There is no provision within the supplementary welfare allowance (SWA) legislation to allow for payment to continue to persons outside the State. Recipients of SWA are advised to contact the officer dealing with their claim where there is a change in their circumstances which includes travel outside the State. I have no plans to change the conditions under which SWA is payable.

Question No. 386 answered with Question No. 338.