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Job Initiatives

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 April 2013

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Questions (394)

John Halligan


394. Deputy John Halligan asked the Minister for Social Protection if she is monitoring possible job displacement and job losses as part of the Tús and JobsBridge schemes; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18603/13]

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Tús - the community work placement initiative - came into operation in mid-2011 and to date some 7,824 people have completed or are currently serving in work placements provided by community organisations. Tús has been able to harness the skills and talents of participants and apply these to the benefit of the local community while they continue to receive a payment based on the value of the prior jobseeker’s payment. While the types of work that are undertaken are determined locally, the works that are undertaken must be consistent with the terms and conditions of the scheme, are undertaken by eligible organisations and that particular consideration is given to displacement of existing jobs. It is a matter for the Board of each implementing body and the selection processes they operate to seek sufficient information and make enquiries to enable an assessment of displacement or deadweight to be determined.

Since it commenced on 1st July, 2011, JobBridge has made good progress. As at 18th April, 2013, 16,545 jobseekers had commenced internships since the scheme was launched.

The Department takes very seriously any allegations of failure to comply with the conditions of Tús and JobBridge and investigates all such complaints notified to the Department. The Department’s own control measures with respect to JobBridge are based on a combination of randomised monitoring visits/inspections with host organisations and on investigation of complaints received from interns. As of 18th April, 2013, 15 host organisations have been excluded from further participation in JobBridge as a consequence of these control activities. No reports of displacement has been made with respect to Tús.

Question No. 395 withdrawn.
