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Taxi Regulations

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 30 April 2013

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Questions (612)

Finian McGrath


612. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will provide an update on the Taxi Regulation Bill and the reason some amendments on public safety issues were accepted; and if these can be changed at a later date (details supplied). [20012/13]

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Section 11 of the Taxi Regulation Bill 2012 concerns an obligation on an applicant for or holder of an SPSV licence to inform the National Transport Authority (NTA) of any other occupation. The purpose of the provision is to protect the safety of passengers against the risks of driver fatigue in circumstances where a SPSV driver has another occupation that involves driving vehicles on the road. The intention is to put in place a provision that is balanced and proportionate.

In conjunction with powers of the NTA provided under Section 19 of the Bill to make regulations concerning taxi driver’s hours, Section 11 as amended will address the core policy principle of passenger and road safety.

The Taxi Regulation Bill 2012 is due to complete Report Stage in the Seanad in May and there would be further opportunity for amendments to be made to the Bill at Dail Committee Stage. I would be happy to respond further to any specific concerns that Deputy may have in relation to section 11 of the Bill.
