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Tuesday, 30 Apr 2013

Written Answers Nos. 464 - 480

Environmental Policy

Questions (464)

Thomas P. Broughan


464. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the reason Ireland voted against the EU ban on nerve-agent pesticides neonicotinoids on 15 March 2013 in view of the dangerous impact of these chemicals on the environment including on water, soil, nectar, pollen and the sap of plant; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19881/13]

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The European Commission proposal to restrict the use of neonicotinoid insecticides was discussed at the EU Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health on 14/15 March 2013 and the resulting vote was inconclusive, with 14 Member States refusing to support the measures proposed by the Commission.

Accordingly, the matter was tabled at an Appeal Committee meeting held on 29 April where again the vote on the proposal did not receive a qualified voting majority. Under comitology procedures, it is now a matter for the European Commission to legislate on the matter. It is likely that a ban on the three substances under consideration will now come into effect later this year.

At the Appeals Committee meeting on 29 April, Ireland engaged with the Commission and the Member States in a constructive and helpful way and actively supported efforts to find a workable and meaningful compromise on the proposals to restrict the use of neonicotinoid insecticides. These efforts aimed to find solutions that allowed suitably controlled use of the compounds without presenting unacceptable risks to bee populations.

Ireland had initially opposed the Commission proposal to allow time for further consideration of the scientific evidence and to create the space for consideration of a compromise. Ireland recognised the importance of the precautionary principle in relation to this matter, and fully bore this in mind in discussions aimed at achieving an approach that would enjoy broad support among EU Member States and be acceptable to the Commission. However, efforts to find a compromise failed and Ireland decided not to oppose the Commission proposal but rather to abstain in the vote.

Agri-Environment Options Scheme Payments

Questions (465)

Pat Breen


465. Deputy Pat Breen asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when payment of an agri-environment options scheme will issue to a person (details supplied) in County Clare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19899/13]

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The person named was approved for participation in the Agri-Environment Options Scheme with effect from the 1st November 2010 and full payments totalling €760.06 and €4,560.35 issued in respect of 2010 and 2011 respectively.

Under the EU Regulations governing the Scheme and other area-based payment schemes, a comprehensive administrative check, including cross-checks with the Land Parcel Identification System, must be completed before any payment can issue. During these checks in respect of the 2012 scheme year an overclaim was identified in relation to the claimed areas on both the Species Rich Grassland and Natura actions. Officials in my Department are currently finalising the application of the person named and I expect payment for 2012 to issue shortly.

Agri-Environment Options Scheme Applications

Questions (466)

Pat Breen


466. Deputy Pat Breen asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the position regarding an agri-environment options scheme 3 payment in respect of a person (detials supplied) in County Clare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19901/13]

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An application under the Agri-Environment Options Scheme from the person named was received in my Department on 29th November 2012 and an acknowledgement letter has issued to the person named. The processing of all applications is nearing completion and I expect to be in a position to inform all applicants of the outcome very shortly. In the event that any queries arise on the application of the person named during this process officials in my Department will be in direct contact with the person named.

Single Payment Scheme Payments

Questions (467)

John McGuinness


467. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if there is a balance of single farm payment due to a person (details supplied) in County Kilkenny; the current status of any claims they have with his Department; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19906/13]

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Payments in respect of the Single Payment Scheme 2012 issued directly to the bank account of the person named on 16 October 2012 and 3 December 2012.

Single Payment Scheme Applications

Questions (468)

Paul Connaughton


468. Deputy Paul J. Connaughton asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when payment will issue to a person (details supplied) in County Galway; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19910/13]

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An application under the 2012 Single Payment/Disadvantaged Areas Scheme was received from the person named on 27 April 2012. Full payment in respect of the Single Payment issued directly to the nominated bank account in two instalments; the advance on 16 October 2012 and the balance on 3 December 2012.

The derogation application of the person named having been successful, payment in respect of 2012 Disadvantaged Areas Scheme issued on 17 January 2013.

Disadvantaged Areas Scheme Applications

Questions (469)

Pat Breen


469. Deputy Pat Breen asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when payment of area aid 2012 will issue to a person (details supplied) in County Clare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19924/13]

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Under 2012 Disadvantaged Areas Scheme, there are two criteria to be satisfied in relation to equines. Firstly, the holding itself must meet the definition of an Equine Breeding Enterprise and secondly, horses, in order to be taken into account for stocking density purposes, must be aged one to five years and, where older, must be a breeding mare for the purposes of the Scheme.

While the person named submitted eight equine passports, none was in respect of a breeding mare which foaled in 2009, 2010 or 2011. Therefore, as the Terms and Condition of the 2012 Disadvantaged Areas Scheme have not been satisfied, no payment is due for the year in question.

Animal Welfare Issues

Questions (470)

Patrick O'Donovan


470. Deputy Patrick O'Donovan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if he will provide information on the regulations of setting up a petting farm here; if a special licence to import exotic animals is needed; if so, the way a person may apply for this licence; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19930/13]

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Farms involved in the keeping of pets and trade in such animals must comply with the ‘Balai’ Directive 92/65/EEC which governs animal health controls for intra community and third country trade in certain animals such as elephants, giraffes, deer, alpaca and primates which are not covered under other community Directives relating, for example, to cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry. Premises trading in such animals (other than primates) must be registered under this Directive, and if they are trading in primates, they must also be approved under this Directive. The requirements for approval include an annual official audit, own attending private veterinarian, an annual disease surveillance plan, and compliance with a range of disease control and reporting measures.

Farm animals on pet farms are also subject to my Department’s legislative requirements on animal health and welfare.

The regulation of zoos, which include all permanent establishments where animals of wild species are kept for exhibition to the public for 7 or more days a year, with the exception of circuses, pet shops and establishments which Member States exempt from the requirements of the Zoo Directive, comes under the remit of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and zoo licences are issued by that Department in accordance with the Regulations.

Animal Disease Controls

Questions (471)

Jim Daly


471. Deputy Jim Daly asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if he will outline the scale and seriousness of the Schmallenberg virus in Ireland today; the steps being taken by his Department to deal with this virus; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19938/13]

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Schmallenberg virus has been confirmed on a total of 78 holdings (48 bovine and 30 ovine) over ten counties in the South of the country, with the highest incidence in Cork, Kilkenny and Wexford. A survey conducted on a statistically selected sub-sample of Brucellosis round test bloods (17 herds per county) taken last November shows exposure in 24 counties. This survey will be repeated in June.

While the situation for individual farmers can be very difficult, the advice remains that the economic impact on a national level is likely to be low. Based on the pattern in the UK and elsewhere, between 4-6% of holdings are likely to be affected. In those holdings that are affected, the within-herd/flock impact in terms of deformities is likely to be mild in most cases at 2-5% of affected pregnancies, but moderate at worst. The highest level of problems would be expected in herds that have synchronised breeding programmes and where large numbers of animals were infected during the critical period of pregnancy in 2012. My Department is currently assessing the impact following the end of the calving/lambing season

Exposure of non-pregnant animals to the virus may, in fact, be beneficial pending the development of an effective vaccine. Exposed animals develop a strong immunity and are unlikely to suffer any ill-effects if exposed to the virus on a subsequent occasion. If this viral infection becomes endemic, the ill-effects are likely to be confined to younger animals and cows and ewes that have not been previously exposed. Based on Australian experience in vaccinating against a similar virus/disease (Akabane virus infection), the expert view is that vaccination is likely to be an effective tool in control of the SBV infection. The development of a vaccine is in progress and my Department is continuing to monitor developments closely.

Meanwhile, farmers are advised to contact their veterinary practitioner if they encounter cases of aborted foetuses or newborn animals showing malformations or nervous signs and also in cases where lambs or calves cannot be delivered naturally.

Official Engagements

Questions (472)

Andrew Doyle


472. Deputy Andrew Doyle asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if the Secretary General of his Department, for the purpose of transparency and accountability, will publish his diary on the Department's website on a monthly basis. [19957/13]

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I can confirm that my Department has no difficulty with the publication of the Secretary General’s diary.

Rural Environment Protection Scheme Payments

Questions (473)

Michael Healy-Rae


473. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the position regarding a REP scheme payment in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19975/13]

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The person named commenced REPS 4 in May 2008 and received payments for the first four years of their contract.

REPS 4 is a measure under the current 2007-13 Rural Development Programme and is subject to EU Regulations which require detailed administrative checks on all applications to be completed before any payments can issue. Following the administrative checks an area discrepancy was discovered between the Single Farm Payment application for 2012 and the REPS Agri-Environmental Plan which has resulted in the need for further clarification. This issue is currently being finalised with the intention of issuing payment shortly.

Common Agricultural Policy Reform

Questions (474)

Andrew Doyle


474. Deputy Andrew Doyle asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the impact that new member states joining the European Union would have on the Common Agricultural Policy for Ireland, particularly countries joining from accession states (details supplied); the impact this would have for payments made to Irish farmers here; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [19994/13]

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The draft Regulation on the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2014 to 2020 contains a provision to the effect that “if new Member States accede to the Union during the period covered by the financial framework, the financial framework shall be adjusted to take account of the expenditure requirements resulting from the outcome of the accession negotiations”. It would be important to ensure appropriate provision for new member states in the financial framework, while protecting the CAP position for existing member states.

Agrifood Sector Issues

Questions (475)

Robert Troy


475. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the measures both he and his Department have taken to encourage young persons into farming and the agri-food sector. [20002/13]

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Recent analysis shows that there are more farmers over 80 than under 35 in Ireland. I have been working to encourage more new entrants to take up farming as a career. Budget 2013 saw the extension of key reliefs that were already in place for young new entrants (such as the 100% relief from Stamp Duty and the 100% stock relief for Young Trained Farmers). Extending these reliefs is not straightforward given that there is a requirement for EU State Aid approval for such measures. The deputy will also be aware that changes were made to retirement relief in budget 2012 to encourage inter-generational land transfers.

I am delighted that the number of applicants for Teagasc courses has greatly increased the last two years. Teagasc has responded well to this demand and have introduced new courses to cater for a variety of needs. For example Teagasc launched a new Professional Diploma in Dairy Farm Management (Level 7) in association with University College Dublin (UCD). Teagasc have also developed recently a new Level 6 Specific Purpose Certificate in Farm Administration course to help meet the training requirements for full-time or part-time farmers.

It should be noted that there has been no change to the very important 90% agricultural relief on Capital Acquisitions Tax (CAT). This means that farms worth up to €2.5 million will continue to be fully exempt from CAT with regard to transfers to a child.

Measures to provide targeted support to young farmers are part of the current negotiations on the reform of the CAP and will I hope form part of any final agreement. I have strongly supported the proposal for a top-up for young farmers under pillar 1 of the CAP, and indeed Ireland was one of the first countries to suggest this measure in the negotiations.

I am also happy that the new restructuring relief was announced in the 2013 budget. This is the result of detailed work which analysed the reasons why the old consolidation relief was not working. I am confident that the new relief in relation to Capital Gains Taxes will be more effective, especially given that Stamp Duty rates have been reduced. Re-structuring is essential for us to meet the Food Harvest 2020 targets. We need to use land more productively and encourage more young farmers to make the best use of the land. An EU Commission study found that ‘younger[farm] managers tend to perform better than the EU average, with 46% more area and 57% more economic potential for 21% more labour force’ [[1] Commission Staff Working Paper, Impact Assessment, CAP towards 2020, Annex 1: Situation and prospects for EU agriculture and rural areas, p. 25. Brussels, 12/10/2011.

Ireland has a very low level of land sales, with most land staying within the same family for generations. Only 0.4% of land changes hand in any given year. Young farmers that want to expand need to be able to access land. According to the latest census of agriculture the average farm has 3.8 land parcels. This means that our farmers are wasting time and diesel driving between plots of land, increasing the stress and the risk of accidents. Young farmers will now have an opportunity to consolidate their holdings and increase efficiency.

I am hopeful therefore that the measures that I have introduced will encourage more young people into farming and address the age profile imbalance in Irish farming.

Single Payment Scheme Payments

Questions (476)

Robert Troy


476. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if he will ensure that entitlements, including the single farm payment are paid early this year in view of the severe difficulties endured by farmers resultant from the adverse weather. [20003/13]

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I am particularly conscious of the continuing adverse weather conditions and the impact on farming. It will be recalled that my successful approach to Commissioner Ciolos for agreement to making an advance payment of the 2012 Single Farm Payment was prompted by the very wet weather experienced throughout last summer. The effects of this prolonged wet weather, together with the extended winter, have led ultimately to the current fodder crisis.

In light of the difficulties experienced by farmers in sourcing fodder supplies, last week I announced the allocation of €1 million to fund the Imported Fodder Transport Scheme, which is designed to reduce the cost to farmers of imported forage (hay, silage, haylage) from outside the island of Ireland. This will substantially cover the cost of transport into the country and will reduce the cost to farmers of a bale of hay by approximately one third.

Mindful of ongoing difficulties, a formal request will be made to the EU Commission seeking agreement to pay an advance from 16 October of the 2013 Single Farm Payment which, at almost 2 months ahead of the standard timeline, is the earliest potential payment date.

In order to ensure that payments are processed efficiently and effectively, I would urge those who have yet to submit their applications under the 2013 Single Payment Scheme to do so via iNet, my Department’s on-line application system, as there are significant benefits in doing so, not least of which is that it guaranteed immediate, verifiable receipt by my Department of their applications and, through the system of in-built validations, significantly reduces the numbers of errors that could be made, thereby ultimately leading to speedier payment. Furthermore, the introduction in 2012 of an on-line mapping element allowed farmers, or their agents, who needed to submit maps to my Department, to do so through iNet, thereby dispensing with the need to submit paper maps.

Aquaculture Licences Numbers

Questions (477)

Noel Grealish


477. Deputy Noel Grealish asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the number of current valid licences that are in issue from his Department for salmon cage installations in counties Mayo, Galway and Clare; if all of these licences are being actively used; the person responsible for the maintenance of salmon cages; if these cages-installations are inspected by his Department's officials on a regular basis; if he will provide a copy of the conditions of these licences; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20132/13]

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My Department’s records indicate that there are 18 aquaculture licences in use for the cultivation of salmon in the areas referred to by the Deputy.

These licences are either in-date or subject to the provisions of Section 19A(4) of the 1997 Fisheries (Amendment) Act. Responsibility for the maintenance of the structures rests with the licensee. Aquaculture operations are inspected on a regular basis by my Department and the Marine Institute. I have requested the relevant Division of my Department to forward a copy of the licences to the Deputy.

Fish Landings

Questions (478)

Noel Harrington


478. Deputy Noel Harrington asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if he will provide in tabular form the total fish landings for Irish flagged, foreign flagged, and for aquaculture at each of the six major fishery harbour centres in terms of total tonnage and value for the year 2012; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20148/13]

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The Sea Fisheries Protection Authority is the body within the State responsible for gathering data and reporting on the landings of sea fish by Irish Sea Fishing Boats and other fish landings into Irish ports. I have asked the Authority to provide the Deputy directly with the data requested.

Single Payment Scheme Eligibility

Questions (479)

Éamon Ó Cuív


479. Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if he intends to open the national reserve scheme for 2013; if so, the conditions that will apply; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20160/13]

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As part of the implementation of the Single Payment Scheme in 2005, a linear cut of 1.82% was applied to all entitlements to fund the National Reserve catering for a range of categories including new entrants to farming. This resulted in €22.6m being allocated in 2005. From 2006 onwards, the National Reserve was replenished only from unused expired entitlements which reverted to the fund. From 2008 onwards, the National Reserve catered only for land leased out to a 3rd party during the reference period and New Entrants to farming. In 2012, the National Reserve catered for New Entrants to farming only.

Over the period 2005 to 2012, Entitlements to the value of approximately €39.7 million have been allocated to 18,834 farmers from the National Reserve.

Since the Reserve is funded only from unused entitlements, and the value of unused funds has been decreasing over recent years, it is not possible to operate a 2013 or 2014 National Reserve.

Under the new CAP regime, there will be a new National Reserve in 2015 which can cater for farmers who commenced their agricultural activity within the previous 5 years. It is likely that farmers who commenced farming after May 2011 will be catered for in Ireland. The CAP reform proposals also include a Young Farmers Scheme which makes provision for a top-up to the value of entitlements held by qualifying young farmers. This top up is paid annually for a period of up to five years following commencement of their farming activity.

Suckler Welfare Scheme Payments

Questions (480)

Brendan Griffin


480. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if payment has issued in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20162/13]

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The person named registered five animals for the 2011 Suckler Welfare Scheme and eighteen animals for the 2012 Scheme.

Following validation of recently received weaning information, one of the 2011 born animals and ten of the 2012 born animals have been approved for payment, which will issue within the next 10 days. A further three of the 2012 born animals have only been weaned in the last 2 weeks and cannot be considered for payment for another 2 weeks to ensure that all of the requirements of the Scheme have been complied with. Payment will issue for these three animals when compliance has been verified.

Errors have been identified in relation to the remaining 2011 and 2012 born animals and letters regarding these errors have issued to the applicant on 29th April 2013.
