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Coillte Teoranta Harvesting Rights Sale

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 9 May 2013

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Questions (188)

Billy Timmins


188. Deputy Billy Timmins asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the position regarding the selling off of Coillte (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22114/13]

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Further to the Government decision that a concession for the harvesting rights to Coillte’s forests be considered for sale, NewERA, Coillte, the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and my Department have worked to examine the financial and other implications of developing the potential of Coillte’s forest assets.

This consideration about a possible sale of Coillte harvesting rights is one element of the State assets disposal programme, which forms part of our commitments under the EU/ECB/IMF funding programme and with a view to generating resources for additional investment in job creation initiatives in the economy. Following preliminary consideration of Coillte and its various assets, the Government decided that a concession for the harvesting rights to Coillte forests represented the best option to release value from Coillte in the short to medium term.

The process is at an advanced stage and, aside from the identification and valuation of the forestry assets, a number of issues have been identified in relation to the possible harvesting rights concession. The implications for the timber industry, the future management of the estate, the maintenance of existing amenities and public access to recreational land are some of the issues being considered as part of the analysis.

I am aware that Coillte currently manages 10 Forest Parks and over 150 recreation sites throughout Ireland and that their forests provide a range of recreational opportunities for the general public continuing a long tradition of open access to state owned forests and I note the concern that such recreational opportunities be maintained for future generations. As previously stated, it is the Government’s intention that appropriate provisions would be included in any sale of Coillte harvesting rights to allow for the maintenance of the company’s current open forest policy. While the consideration process is at an advanced stage, no decision has been taken, as yet. The outcome of the overall analysis will be considered by the Government upon its completion.

In relation to further investment in our forests, the Forest Service of my Department promotes new planting of forests (afforestation), on an ongoing basis, as a viable land use for landowners through the provision of planting grants and payment of annual premiums. A total of €112 million in funding for capital and current expenditure was allocated for the overall forestry programme in 2013, to facilitate the payment for close to 7,000 hectares of new planting this year.
