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Excise Duties Yield

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 9 May 2013

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Questions (45)

Arthur Spring


45. Deputy Arthur Spring asked the Minister for Finance if he will provide a breakdown of the projected excise returns by category for 2013. [21916/13]

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Consistent with the recently published April Stability Programme Update, the forecast for excise duties in 2013 is €4,920 million. This is unchanged from the Budget 2013 estimate. It is important to take into account that this estimate is inclusive of the impact of all measures introduced in Budget 2013, including the increase in revenues from the increase in motor tax rates. With the exception of VRT which is forecast separately, the Department of Finance forecasts excise duties revenues on an aggregated basis and does not publish separate forecasts for any sub-components of individual tax heads.
