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Tourism Promotion

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 15 May 2013

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Questions (284)

Bernard Durkan


284. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the extent to which he and his Department has regular interaction with stakeholders in the tourism sector with a view to identification of issues of concern; the extent to which he expects to be in a position to respond to any such issues such as credit availability or transport costs throughout the sector; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23351/13]

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My Department and I are in regular contact with the stakeholders in the tourism sector and are kept advised of issues of concern to the industry. Indeed, in recent weeks I have attended the annual conferences of a number of key representative bodies in the sector.

The Government's plans to improve overall competitiveness are set out in the Programme for Government.  I have also outlined my priorities to 2016 for the transport, tourism and sports sectors on my Department's website.

With specific regard to the tourism sector, the Government has already delivered on several measures under the Jobs Initiative to reduce costs and enhance competitiveness, such as reducing VAT to 9% on a range of tourism services and halving employers’ PRSI for those on modest wages.  The Finance Act which was enacted recently contains further measures to assist the industry including:

- The diesel fuel rebate for hauliers, bus and coach operators;

- Extending the Employment and Investment Incentive Scheme to encourage investment in tourism accommodation;

- Confirmation of the eligibility of tourism accommodation to participate in Real Estate Investment Trusts;

- Smaller tourism businesses will benefit from the higher VAT threshold of €1.25 million.

In line with the Programme for Government and the Action Plan for Jobs, the Government will continue to play its part in reducing business costs, increasing credit availability and enhancing overall competitiveness.
