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Fodder Crisis

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 21 May 2013

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Questions (68)

Seán Crowe


68. Deputy Seán Crowe asked the Minister for Finance if the National Asset Management Agency has been approached by, or on behalf of, farmers seeking to harvest fodder on lands under NAMA’s control; and if so, the way NAMA has responded; NAMA’s position on such requests; and if NAMA has communicated its position to its borrowers. [23952/13]

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I am advised by NAMA that such requests, in so far as there may be any, would be received by its debtors and receivers and not by the Agency itself, given that it is a secured lender and does not own agricultural land.

I am advised by NAMA that farmers seeking access to an individual property should in the first instance contact the owner of the property or the receiver, if one is in place. If farmers are experiencing difficulty in relation to contacting such parties, they can contact NAMA directly through the Agency’s dedicated email address for members of the public, and NAMA will bring any requests received to the attention of debtors or receivers.
