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Croke Park Agreement Review

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 22 May 2013

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Questions (121)

Charlie McConalogue


121. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if there is any group representing retired public servants at the ongoing Croke Park 2 negotiations; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [24503/13]

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At the request of the Government, the Labour Relations Commission has lately been engaged in discussions with public service employers and trade unions with a view to establishing whether there may be a basis for a negotiated public service agreement which would meet budgetary targets.

This talks process has been concerned with the pay and conditions of employment of public servants. In this context, and since public service pensioner issues have not featured on the agenda at the talks, I hope the Deputy will understand that the question of public servant pensioner representation at the talks did not arise. At the request of the alliance of Retired Public Servants, a meeting will take place later this week between the Alliance and officials of my Department.
