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Departmental Legal Costs

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 28 May 2013

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Questions (119)

Sean Fleming


119. Deputy Sean Fleming asked the Taoiseach his views on whether sufficient progress is being made in reducing the State's legal bill in his Department and any State agencies under his aegis; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25170/13]

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The nature of my Department's work is geared towards policy development and co-ordination and it is not ordinarily involved in operational matters that give rise to litigation. Although matters arise from time to time which give rise to legal expenses being incurred, e.g. personal injury claims or employment rights matters, they do so on an infrequent basis only and are dealt with through the State's legal Offices. I am satisfied that when such cases occur, that my Department makes every effort to minimise the legal expenses arising as far as possible.

The work of the National Economic and Social Development Office (NESDO), incorporating the National Economic and Social Council, which is the only agency under the aegis of my Department, is also of a policy nature and the position in relation to legal expenses there is similar to that of my Department.
