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Cyber Security Policy

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 11 June 2013

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Questions (521)

Bernard Durkan


521. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if in the context of the development of modern IT, it has been found possible to introduce technical safeguards to prevent cyberbullying with particular reference to identification of the perpetrators; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27340/13]

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As the Deputy will be aware, Social Media are online platforms that allow people create, share and exchange information, and to comment amongst themselves in virtual communities and networks. To date, these media have not been subject to a formal regulatory regime akin to that used to "regulate" traditional radio and television broadcast media, either in Ireland or in other jurisdictions. There is a range of reasons for this, not least the rapidly evolving nature of the technologies involved, the sensitivities around regulating media and the multi-jurisdictional nature of the Internet.

It is important to acknowledge the economic and social benefits that the widespread use of social media have brought to people, communities and to business. However, some of the issues that have arisen as a consequence of this bear consideration. These challenges include dealing with harassment and bullying online, as well as issues around defamation, data protection and copyright. There has been a very considerable amount of discussion on these matters in the recent past at EU and Council of Europe level, in which my Department has been involved. This matter is also the subject of a fundamental debate at EU and national level, a fact reflected by the recent decision of the Joint Oireachtas Committee to examine the issue. I await the Committee's report in this respect.

As Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, I have policy responsibility for providing a supportive legislative and regulatory environment to facilitate the development of high quality communications infrastructure and services. However, I should highlight that I do not have sole responsibility for addressing as to how that infrastructure is used. Responsibility, in the context of abuse over the Internet in particular, also sits with the Minister for Justice and Equality, and the executive agency of his Department, the Office for Internet Safety. It is clear that there are no simple answers to the challenges posed by the development and abuse of social media, not least because of the international basis of the services and because any possible policy responses fall across a range of Government Departments. In recognition of this complexity my Department maintains open and regular contact with all Departments and State Agencies with responsibilities in this area.

The sheer volume of material posted on social media daily is such that formal policing is not feasible, an issue complicated by the international and multi-jurisdictional nature of the internet. Also, the operators of these networks have only limited liability for such material – they are generally required to remove offensive material once they have been notified but this does not prevent it from being seen in the interim. This has obvious implications in terms of material that breaches copyright, or is offensive or harmful in some way. I am continuing to work with colleagues across Government, industry and the EU, to identify practical measures that can be implemented to address the challenge of cyber bullying.
