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North-South Interconnector Issues

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 11 June 2013

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Questions (83)

Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin


83. Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if he has any update on the progress of the North-South interconnector; if any issues have arisen; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26712/13]

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As the Deputy may be aware, in April EirGrid completed a re-evaluation process on the North South 400kV Interconnection Development and published a “Final Re-evaluation Report”. It followed the publication of a “Preliminary Re-evaluation Report” in May 2011.

The final report represents a comprehensive re-evaluation of the project, involving, among other things, a thorough re-examination of the previous application, including issues raised during the previous application process.

It considered and responded to Stakeholder feedback from the previous planning application as well as Stakeholder feedback from the public consultation following publication of the Preliminary Re-evaluation Report and the publication of the “Meath Tyrone Report – Review by International Expert Commission” along with the subsequent Government policy statement.

The “Final re-evaluation Report” found that there remains an urgent strategic need for the project. It also concludes that the best technology solution for the project is a single circuit 400kV alternating current (AC) overhead line. The indicative route for this overhead line is similar to the previously proposed line route, but incorporates localised modifications.

EirGrid is fully committed to engaging extensively with landowners, members of the public and other interested parties on all aspects of the project and during April/May held nine open days in Meath, Cavan and Monaghan.

Following the completion of this period of public engagement, EirGrid is considering all feedback received before finalising its preferred project solution. The “Preferred Project Solution Report” will be published this summer and will be the subject of a further period of public consultation.

The “Preferred Project Solution Report” is a key publication detailing the preferred line route and indicative tower locations. It is the final report prior to the submission of the new planning application.

The public consultation on the preferred Project Solution Report will focus on the preferred line design, including the line route, preferred structure and tower locations, the methodology for siting and construction of towers and environmental issues to be addressed in an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

Submission of the planning application and associated Environmental Impact Statement to An Bord Pleanála will follow, at the end of this year or the beginning of 2014.
