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Assisted Human Reproduction Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 11 June 2013

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Questions (897)

Mary Lou McDonald


897. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Health the number of women here that received IVF treatment in 2012. [27267/13]

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I wish to inform the Deputy that there is no national repository for statistics of the type she has requested. However, statistics on Assisted Human Reproduction (AHR) and births following AHR in Ireland are available from the European Society of Embryology and Human Reproduction (ESHRE). The most recent statistics published by ESHRE concern data for 2008, and showed that in Ireland a total of 1,740 IVF cycle treatments took place in that year. The data showed that 873 infants were born in 2008 as a result of fertility treatment. Information is not available on the number of women concerned. The Deputy, however, may wish to note these statistics come from five reporting clinics and not all fertility clinics operating in Ireland participate in this data collection process.
