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Diabetes Strategy

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 11 June 2013

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Questions (930)

Nicky McFadden


930. Deputy Nicky McFadden asked the Minister for Health if he will outline the development of diabetes health services in counties Longford/Westmeath; if the Health Service Executive will fill sanctioned posts in critical areas of diabetes care, particularly in the areas of integrated diabetes care and footcare/podiatrist post in Mullingar hospital, County Westmeath; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26799/13]

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The National Integrated Care Diabetes Programme is being implemented on a phased basis. The programme will improve patient access and manage patient care in an integrated manner across service settings, resulting in better outcomes, enhanced clinical decision making and the most effective use of resources.

The Government has approved funding for the appointment of 17 Integrated Care Diabetes Nurse Specialists (one per HSE Integrated Service Area) to support the phased roll out of the programme. These Diabetes Nurse Specialists will work 1 day per week in a hospital setting and 4 days per week in primary care. They will play a key role in the development of clinically sound collaborative links between primary care and secondary care providers and will also be an essential resource in empowering patients to achieve optimum diabetes control. It is anticipated that all 17 positions will be filled soon.

Funding has also been secured to appoint 16 podiatrists and a number of these posts have been filled. Recruitment for the remaining posts is underway and the aim is to have them filled as soon as possible in 2013.

In relation to the filling of Diabetes posts in specific areas, I have asked the Health Service Executive to respond directly to the Deputy in these matters.
