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Garda Stations Closures

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 12 June 2013

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Questions (92)

Mary Mitchell O'Connor


92. Deputy Mary Mitchell O'Connor asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the plans if any the Office of Public Works has for a Garda station (details supplied) in County Dublin. [28323/13]

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The OPW is currently assessing the property options arising in respect of all closed Garda Stations including the former Garda Station in Kill of the Grange, Co. Dublin. The stated policy is to identify if other State Bodies, including government departments and the wider public sector has a use for the property. If there is no other State use for a property the OPW will then consider disposing of the property on the open market, if and when conditions prevail, in order to generate much needed revenue for the Exchequer. If no State requirement is identified or if a decision is taken not to dispose of a particular property the OPW would consider community involvement subject to the receipt of an appropriate business case which would indicate that the community/voluntary group has the means to insure, maintain and manage the property.
