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Sentencing Policy

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 18 June 2013

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Questions (384)

Willie Penrose


384. Deputy Willie Penrose asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the action he intends to take in response to the recent report from the Law Reform Commission on mandatory sentencing and other issues; if he is considering the recommendations made therein and especially the requirement to place the Parole Board on an independent statutory footing; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29003/13]

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The Law Reform Commission's report on mandatory sentences published on 11 June examines mandatory sentences in their various forms including life sentences, presumptive minimum sentences and mandatory minimum sentences.

The Working Group conducting a Strategic Review of Penal Policy is currently examining all aspects of penal policy including sentencing policies, parole and other release mechanisms from prison and I expect that the Group's deliberations will be informed by the Commission's Report. The Group is due to report later this year and its report and that of the Commission will be considered at that time.

The Commission's recommendation in relation to the Parole Board is one that I had already decided to proceed with and legislation to place the Board on a statutory footing is being prepared. The Commission's report and any recommendations that emerge from the Strategic Review Group will inform the final shape of that legislation insofar as the role, functions and relationship with the overall justice system, of a statutory Parole Board are concerned.
