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Ministerial Meetings

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 18 June 2013

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Questions (514)

Andrew Doyle


514. Deputy Andrew Doyle asked the Minister for Health if he will outline the Minister of State for Primary Care's recent engagements at the EU-CELAC Co-Operation and Co-Ordination Mechanism on Drugs, that took place Quito, Ecuador between 11 - 14 June; if he will outline other engagements he had on the visit; the person who accompanied the Minister on the trip; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28782/13]

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I advise the Deputy that the main purpose of the visit to Quito by the Minister of State for Primary Care was to represent the Presidency of the EU at the 15th High Level Meeting of the EU CELAC Co-ordination and Co-operation Mechanism on Drugs that took place in the Ecuadorian capital on 13-14 June. Presidency of the Mechanism is shared by the EU and CELAC (Communities of Latin America and the Caribbean). Ecuador is the current CELAC President. The location of the High Level Meeting alternates between each region and thus Quito was the location this year.

The Minister of State co-chaired the High Level Meeting. This included delivering the opening address to the meeting on behalf of the EU, as well as co-ordinating the overall input of the EU delegation to the event. The meeting was also attended by the Ecuadorian Ministers of the Interior and Foreign Affairs, the Vice Minister of Health and the General Attorney, each of whom the Minister of State had the opportunity to meet.

A range of topics relating to the world drug problem were discussed at the meeting. Particular focus was placed on four thematic debates on alternative development; drug prevention programmes for vulnerable groups; the effectiveness of drug policies; and links between illicit drug trafficking and other criminal activities. It also included a presentation by Ireland on the EU Drugs Strategy 2013-2020 and the EU Action Plan on Drugs 2013-2016, which was negotiated under the Irish Presidency and agreed by the EU Council at its meeting of 6 June. The substantive outcome from the High Level Meeting was agreement between the EU and CELAC on the Quito Declaration on Drugs.

Having arrived in Quito the previous evening, the Minister of State represented the EU Presidency at the final day of the 3rd COPOLAD Conference on 12 June (COPOLAD is a partnership programme between the EU and Latin America aimed at improving the coherence, balance and impact of drugs policies). The Minister of State delivered the closing statement, on behalf of the EU, at this conference.

During his stay in Quito, the Minister of State took the opportunity to hold a valuable bilateral discussion with the Ecuadorean Minister for Health, as well as meeting with the Vice Minister of the Interior. He also had the benefit of lengthy briefings from the National Council for the Control of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances (CONSEP). During these meetings a range of issues pertaining to the global drug problem were discussed and national approaches were outlined. The Minister also discussed broader health policy challenges at his meeting with the Ecuadorean Minister for Health, Ms. Carina Vance Mafla.

The Minister of State was accompanied on the visit by his private secretary. Two officials from the Department of Health and one from the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade attended the EU CELAC High Level and the COPOLAD meetings in fulfilment of duties of the Irish Presidency of the EU.
