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Student Grant Scheme Delays

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 26 June 2013

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Questions (115)

Éamon Ó Cuív


115. Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív asked the Minister for Education and Skills if his attention has been drawn to continuing delay with the processing of some student grant scheme applications for the academic year 2012-13, and the delay in replies to students and public representatives in relation to these applications; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [31139/13]

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I understand from Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) that there are a small number of applications being closed out, and the turnaround time on receipt of outstanding documentation is normally two to three working days. There a number of appeals in the system also which are being prioritised. It is understood from SUSI that there has been some delays in dealing with the Oireachtas Helpdesk, however priority is being given to dealing with any outstanding queries.
