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International Bodies Membership

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 4 July 2013

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Questions (141)

Andrew Doyle


141. Deputy Andrew Doyle asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation if he will outline each international organisation, international agency or international body of which Ireland is a member and for which his Department or a State body or agency under the aegis of his Department is responsible or co-responsible; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32813/13]

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My Department is a member of the following international organisations:-

The European Molecular Biology Conference (EMBC)

COST - Co-operation in Science & Technology

World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)

European Patent Organisation (EPO)

EUREKA, which is a close-to-market collaborative R&D programme, operated on a pan-European basis. It is an intergovernmental network to support market-oriented R&D and innovation projects by industry, research centres and universities across all technological sectors.

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

European Space Agency

International Convention on the Control and Marking of Articles of Precious Metals (also known as the Hallmarking Convention).

The Companies Registration Office (CRO) is a member of the European Business Register and the European Commerce Registers Forum.

The Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE) is a member of the International Association of Insolvency Regulators (IAIR).

The International Labour Organisation (ILO)

The Council of Europe. My Department is co-responsible for the Revised European Social Charter of the Council of Europe, 1966.

European Association of Labour Court Judges

International Association of Labour Inspection

The Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Ireland’s membership of OECD is primarily the responsibility of Department of Finance, but my Department works together with the OECD Secretariat and Committees such as areas as trade and competition policy, employment and social affairs, regulatory reform, entrepreneurship, SMEs and local development.

The World Trade Organisation.

In cases where an Agency under the remit of my Department is a member of an international organisation, international agency or international body, this is an operational matter for the Agency concerned, for which I have no direct function. I am referring the specific question to each of the Agencies with a request to respond to you directly.
